1. incredibly [ɪnˈkrɛdəblɪ] (adv.)難以置信地、很、極為
Ex: I felt incredibly ashamed of myself for getting so angry.
2. faint [fent] (v.)暈倒
Ex: She suddenly fell forward on to the table and fainted.
3. cheekbone [ˈtʃikboʊn] (n.)髖骨
Ex: There was a triangular scar on his cheekbone.
4. literally [ˈlɪtərəli] (adv.)照字面地
Ex: The word ‘planet’ literally means ‘wandering body’.
5. brag [bræɡ] (v.)自誇
Ex: He made brag of his skill.
6. sleep-deprived 睡眠不足
Ex: People who are sleep-deprived are often cranky and slow thinking.
Definitely, sleep is super important!