1. adjustments [əˈdʒʌstmənt] : small changes or modifications
Ex: I've made a few adjustments to the design. (我對設計做了一些調整。)
Extra examples: adjustments in the exchange
rates (調整匯率)
2. trim [trɪm] : cut
just a little off
Ex: The project's budget had been trimmed by $10,000. (該項目的預算減少了$10,000。)
3. butcher [ˈbʊtʃɚ] : to
kill, and in this case, to cut without care
Ex: Many western
countries raise and butcher a large number of beef cattle. (許多西方國家飼養並屠宰大量的肉牛。)
4. lean back [lin] (also lean forward) : to move the body backwards
and down, recline
Ex: I leaned
back in my chair. (我靠在椅子上。)
5. decent [ˈdisənt] : nice,
acceptable, proper
Ex: I need a decent
night’s sleep. (我需要一個良好的睡眠。)
6. voila ['vɔɪlə] : an expression to indicate satisfied completion
Ex: All it needs is
some time, a little bit of sunshine and rain, and voila! (它只需要一些時間、一點陽光和雨露,你看那!)
Nice note, Yvonne.